Let’s get started.
Ready to take the next step? Use the Contact button below to send me a secure message. I’ll follow up as soon as possible to answer any questions and help you decide if I’m the right fit. **NOTE: I will be out of the office from March 5 - March 14. You may still send messages during that time, but I will not be able to respond until I return to the office.
I am in the office Monday through Thursday each week. I am occasionally in the office on Fridays. I will not be available to respond to emails or answer phone calls outside of my office hours.
If this is an emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital. You can contact the Crisis Line by calling or texting 988
Other Contact Information:
office location
18510 Hwy 371
Brainerd, MN
My office is located directly behind Up North Fireplace Gallery.
My building is a two-story building with a teal roof and wood accents. You will see my sign in the window. Please note that appointments are by request only (no walk-ins available)
Click the map to get directions: